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Q fever is a worldwide disease with acute and chronic stages caused by the bacteria coxiella burnetii.. Medical terminology: glossary of combining forms - free download as powerpoint presentation (.ppt), pdf file (.pdf) or view presentation slides online. medical. Dermatitis herpetiformis (dh), or duhring's disease, is a chronic blistering skin condition, characterised by blisters filled with a watery fluid. despite its name.

Medications that can cure boils. boils, also referred to as abscesses, are areas of the skin that become infected and redden until you notice tenderness at the site.. Mastitis (also called mammitis) is the inflammation of breast tissue. s. aureus is the most common etiological organism responsible, but s. epidermidis and. This map displays locations where chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (cdds) is known to be present..
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